Edwardsburg High School

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We take pride in our choir program here at Edwardsburg High School!


Our choir classes will provide students the opportunity to study and perform music of all genres and periods in musical history. Our ensembles are given many opportunities to provide the school and community with high-quality performances, such as our Fall Concert, our Holiday Concert, our Festival Concert, our Spring Concert, Choral Festival, and many other opportunities for choral and solo performances.


Choir Director: Mr. Kyle Rehnlund


We have three choirs at Edwardsburg High School:

Concert Choir - a large mixed ensemble that anyone can join. Concert Choir usually receives second to first division ratings at our District Choral Festival.

Bella Voce - an advanced treble-voice ensemble. This choir is auditioned the previous school year. They usually receive First Division ratings at District Choral Festival, as well as State Choral Festival.

Varsity Chorale -  an advanced mixed ensemble. This choir is auditioned the previous school year. They usually receive First Division ratings at District Choral Festival, as well as State Choral Festival. This choir also has the opportunity to travel some years, depending on the ensemble and circumstances.


In the choir classroom, students are not just singing day to day; they are engaged visually, audibly, and kinesthetically as they experience all kinds of music by listening and reading. Reading music is an essential portion of choir, including sight-reading skills and music theory practice every day.


The choir program at Edwardsburg High School is a flourishing, eccentric program where students are excited to learn every day. See the district calendar for upcoming choir concerts and events!